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scientific point of view中文是什么意思

用"scientific point of view"造句"scientific point of view"怎么读"scientific point of view" in a sentence


  • 科学观点


  • Look at the matter purely from the scientific point of view .
  • Some of this history is not only interesting but enlightening from a scientific point of view .
  • From the scientific point of view , tsunami occurs because the two plates in earth collide together
  • From the scientific point of view , tsunami occurs because the two plates in earth collide together
  • In cases where the explanation is unknown the scientific point of view is that there is a reason if it can only be discovered
  • An understanding of the modern scientific point of view and of the intrinsic significance of the sciences natural and social and their relation to society and culture
  • While some skeptics claimed that the moon landings were faked , our show will analyse their " evidence " and demonstrate that the evidence can be explained from a scientific point of view
  • From the scientific point of view , discussion focuses on food quality , nutritional value , chemical and microbiological food safety * , emerging problems * , health hazards * , analytical methodologies , and environmental concerns
用"scientific point of view"造句  
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